Seniors may not look the same they used to in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s, but it doesn’t keep them from enjoying golden years. Aging may lead to a number of health conditions, but seniors must always be positive and proactive about their health and longevity. They must know what is normal and abnormal, make healthy choices by eating nutritious food, and limit alcohol consumption, stay active both physically and mentally, and never miss any regular follow-up medical appointments.
Mentioned below are some of the most common health concerns of many seniors, and in-home care experts have also suggested preventive tips for them.
1. Osteoarthritis
Almost every senior, above the age of 60 and practically everyone above the age of 80, has some form of osteoarthritis. It is a natural process where the cartilage between the joints begins to wear out as we age. Excess weight, injury, genes, and smoking are the major factors to accelerate this process. Osteoarthritis not only affects hips, but knees, feet, hands, and spine are affected as well.Medicines for pain reliever can help seniors with mobility and low-intensity or gentle exercises, like Tai chi and swimming, as they are gentle on joints. Natural products like fish oil or glucosamine may also help alleviate pain.
2. Heart Disease
Heart disease is the most common and increasing health concern among seniors. It is also a cause that many seniors are kept from enjoying longevity. More than one-third of senior men and one- quarter of senior women have some type of heart disease. Conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes also stress the heart.Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet with a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contribute to staving off heart issues. Limiting the consumption of sugars, alcohol, and saturated fats and an hour of daily workout may also help alleviate the risk of such conditions. Smoking contributes to majorly to contracting heart disease.
Read Here: How the Mediterranean Diet can Boost Seniors Heart Health
3. Cancer
The risk of developing cancer increases as we age, but fortunately, it is preventable. Many seniors undergo some form of cancer each year and many of them are successfully treated as well. If cancer at higher stages may not be cured but modern chemotherapy works to keep at bay for many years and allow seniors with cancer to manage life and find encouragement.Screening tests like mammograms for breast cancer and colonoscopy for colon cancer are slightly inconvenient but they may help seniors extend their longevity.
4. Breathing Issues
There are a number of factors that contribute to shortness of breath including asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), lung cancer, and heart failure. Seniors who smoke are more likely to contract breathing issues.A change in breathing needs to be determined. Seniors must see their doctor alleviate breathing issues. Various medicines can help to allow breathing easier as well as treating heart problems also avert breathing problems.
These are some of the most common health concerns in seniors, and the most effective way to prevent them is maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet and a workout routine. If families in the Colorado Springs, CO, face any difficulties when caring for their aging loved ones at home, they must consult a reputable Colorado Springs Home Care to help their loved ones lead a healthier and happier lifestyle in golden years.
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